Monday, October 25, 2010

Principle 1: Live Passionately

"I don't want to get to the end of my life and find that I have just lived the length of it. I want to have lived the width of it as well." ~ Diane Ackerman

Tomorrow is not promised, but today is here. How are you living it?

Share Your Thoughts:
* Chris Shook said, "If you don't live full out the way God created you, the world is going to miss out... What the world needs is for you to become fully alive." What impact could your life have on the world around you if you truly began to live passionately, take risks and trust God completely?

* What is one thing you would do for God if you knew you could not fail?

"...our lives on this earth are temporal and finite. It's a natural part of being human - we're born and eventually our bodies will die. Instead of finding this fact depressing or paralyzing, if you're willing to face and own the truth about this aspect of your life - that it will end as you know it here - then you can truly be free." (from One Month To Live)


  1. Being a feelings type person, I'd want to make sure how much I love and appreciate all those around me. It's so easy for our emotions to direct us... making us sensitive to the least little feeling that we've been slighted, etc. So often we just don't do as we really want to do... part of it is the Some Day Syndrome... that is, we don't see what we are doing as the final answer, it's just what we are feeling now, and that's what counts. But if we saw each action and reaction as potentially our last, wouldn't we really see our relationships differently? That's what I'm feeling challenged by in this One Month of Living...

  2. I love making lists. Crossing things off, that feeling of accomplishment when the pen obliterates supposed obligations. I wait to accomplish the fun things on the to do list as a way to reward myself for completeing the other, supposedly more important to dos. Lately I have felt that there simply arent enough hours in the day and my "obligations" on the list aren't getting any shorter. I never get a chance for the fun extras. For me, OMTL is reminiscent of the phrase "If it weren't for the last minute, nothing would get done." Much like waiting until the night before to write a paper in college, it places a finite, concrete, definitive expiration date on what you can accomplish. One of my pet peeves is throwing away expired milk. Don't get me wrong, once it's bad, it's bad and it has to go, but I want to get to it before it gets there. I don't like wasting and will even pour extra on my morning cereal when I see the date nearing. That's what OMTL wants us to do, put that little extra in living. It's time to take a closer look at that "life" to do list and decide which items are life enriching, enduring, and fulfilling. It's time for a little rearranging.

  3. What great insight "enonpixie!" It really is all about looking at our priorities and asking God to help us to do a little rearranging or even obliterating items that not longer need our attention. I pray this prayer a friend shared with me. She called it the increase/decrease prayer. "Lord, decrease my desire for those things that I no longer need to be doing and increase my desire for the things that you want me to do. It seems so simple but it has worked wonders in my life. It sent me to seminary!!
