Monday, November 15, 2010

Principle 4: Leave Boldly

“I am convinced that it is not the fear of death, of our lives ending, that haunts our sleep so much as the fear … that as far as the world is concerned, we might as well never have lived.” ~Harold Kushner

"As we think about what it means to make decisions as if we had one month to live, the question remains: Is it possible to live in such a way that the impact of our lives is felt forever? I not only believe it's possible; I believe it's the kind of life we were made for. The Psalmist reveals how to live a life that outlasts you: 'Generation after generation stands in awe of your work; each one tells stories of your mighty acts.' (Psalm 145:4, MSG)." (OMTL, 182)

*What items represent an enduring legacy to you - a family home? your grandmother's ring? your family reputation? your favorite mountain? the ocean? something else?

"People are created in God's image as spiritual beings who will live for eternity, either with Him or apart from Him. If we invest in people's lives, then our legacy becomes like a giant oak, providing life for generations to come." (OMTL, 183)

*What did you do this last week that will last for the rest of this year? for ten years? for eternity? How much time did you spend this week reading God's Word compared to the time you spent reading the newspaper or watching television?

"Though no one can go back and make a brand-new start, anyone can start now and make a brand-new ending." ~ Carl Bard

This past Sunday evening during our discussion time, individuals shared ways that they were hoping were making an impact on the lives around them. The responses were incredible; not so much because they were grand or huge challenges. They were awesome because they had everything to do with sharing God's love with others in seemingly small ways - a smile to someone who looked troubled, a meaningful thank-you to a cashier, a card sent for encouragement, etc. The phrase "pay it forward" was used by one person. All agreed that one small act of kindness shown to one person can have a huge ripple effect on the lives of others as a result. Our actions, small or large, can motivate others to do great things for God. (Pastor Karen)

*What has made the greatest impact on you this past month? What do you plan to do as a result of this? Take steps to ensure that you go forward with your plans!

"In an age of unprecedented brokenness in the life of the individual and growing fractures in the human family, the practice of the Methodist way of Christian living holds great promise for a more faithful personal life and a more just and peaceful world. Could such a practical, simple, and yet radical Christianity flourish in our complex, changing, and confusing world? Only if it is tried!. . . Be bold enough to ask God to transform the world where you are. Begin every day in seeking God's direction and companionship, and end every day in offering anew all you have done and all that you are to the One who gives you life." (A Wesleyan Spiritual Reader, 194)

Monday, November 8, 2010

Principle 3: Learn Humbly

The place where God calls you is the place where your deep gladness and the world's hunger meet. ~ Frederick Buechner

"Throughout our lives we continue to learn more about God's personality and His love for us, even as we also learn about ourselves. Whether we have four weeks or four decades of life left, we must be lifelong learners, changing and maturing through the many seasons, circumstances, trials, and triumphs." (OMTL, 120)

*When was the last time you wondered about your identity and place in life? What were the circumstances? What are your thoughts?

"When you pursue the passions [God] has placed in your heart, He simply loves it. When you're smiling and enjoying life to the fullest, your Father beams. He finds so much joy in your living out your giftedness and being who He created you to be. We not only feel fulfilled as we live from our passions, but we sense God's pleasure as well." (OMTL, 131)

*When was the last time you felt passionate about an experience? What were the circumstances? What gifts did you use? What does this experience tell you about your purpose in life?

Attempt great things for God, expect great things from God. ~ William Carey

*What are you doing in your life that you could not do without God's help or intervention? What is "one thing" you would like to do, but are not doing because of a fear of failing? What steps can you take to ensure that you pursue that "one thing?" Share this with someone who will encourage you to step out in faith.

I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. (Ephesians 1:16-19)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Principle 2: Love Completely

The measure of a life, after all, is not is duration but its donation. ~ Corrie Ten Boom

The Kerry & Chris Shook share: "When all is said and done, relationships are all that really matter. It doesn't matter how much money we have, where we live, or how many beautiful toys we've collected. None of these can comfort us, console us, cry with us, or love us. Our investment in the people we care about is the only legacy that has the power to endure beyond our lifetime." (OMTL, 65)

On Your Own: If you were to die today, what legacy would you leave? Is this the legacy you want to leave behind? If not, pray that God will help you to move in the direction of your desired legacy.

"Until you experience the fullness of God's grace and forgiveness, you'll never be able to fully forgive others. You'll never be at peace and see the vision He has for you and your life. You'll never experience the blessings He wants to pour out on your life. Forgiveness is not pretending that you weren't really hurt. It's not making light of the offense. Forgiveness is not a shallow experience. Forgiveness means diving deep into honesty and truthfully saying, 'What you did hurt me deeply, but I choose to forgive you by God's power.'" (OMTL, 78)

On Your Own: If you knew you had one month to live, who would you need to forgive? Who would you need to ask forgiveness from?

Say what you want to say when you have the feeling and the chance. My deepest regrets are the things I did not do, the opportunities missed and the things unsaid. ~ Jim Keller

"The most dramatic example of an open heart speaking is one that changed the course of history and continues to redirect countless lives today: 'The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth' (John 1:14). Jesus communicated with us by leaving His home in heaven, coming to this earth, and putting on human flesh so He could reveal His heart to us. He opened up His heart and made Himself totally vulnerable. He risked rejection and was, in fact, misunderstood by many, especially those in power."(OMTL, 111)

*How open is your heart? What do you need in order to love more completely? To be loved more completely? What is one thing you would do as an expression of Jesus' love if you had only one month to live? Do it!

*Share your thoughts on this week's reading (Principle 2: Love Completely). Any new insights? Are you being challenged? How?

May the unparalleled love of God surround you and uphold you. And may this very love serve as a catalyst for loving completely those around you. Amen and Amen!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Principle 1: Live Passionately

"I don't want to get to the end of my life and find that I have just lived the length of it. I want to have lived the width of it as well." ~ Diane Ackerman

Tomorrow is not promised, but today is here. How are you living it?

Share Your Thoughts:
* Chris Shook said, "If you don't live full out the way God created you, the world is going to miss out... What the world needs is for you to become fully alive." What impact could your life have on the world around you if you truly began to live passionately, take risks and trust God completely?

* What is one thing you would do for God if you knew you could not fail?

"...our lives on this earth are temporal and finite. It's a natural part of being human - we're born and eventually our bodies will die. Instead of finding this fact depressing or paralyzing, if you're willing to face and own the truth about this aspect of your life - that it will end as you know it here - then you can truly be free." (from One Month To Live)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Challenge

What if you only had one month to live? How would you make each day really matter? What would you start or stop doing? How would you relate to others? One Month To Live authors Kerry & Chris Shook have challenged us to: Stop Living Like It Doesn't Matter!

Are you suffering from "someday" syndrome - always waiting for someday when your schedule calms down, your finances improve, or your kids grow up so you can begin to live the life you've always dreamed of?

Consider how your perspective would change if you found out you had just thirty days to live. After the initial shock, you'd probably resolve to squeeze all you could from the days that remain. You'd say what you really think. You'd love with abandon. You'd focus on whatever you care about most. In short, you'd stop wasting precious time, and in whatever time you had left, you'd throw yourself into becoming the person God intended you to be.

Why wait to answer the longings of your heart? You can live this way now, thriving in a life of passion and purpose as you engage fully in each day. (from One Month To Live)